cheesy empanadas

Hey everyone, let’s explore the delectable world of cheese empanadas today. I promise it will be an unforgettable experience. Imagine this: golden, crispy exteriors that reveal a melting, cheesy heaven that begs to be eaten. Creating these pockets of happiness is now simpler than you may imagine, and I’m here to help you every step of the way, regardless of your experience level in the kitchen.

Prepare yourself for a taste experience that will leave everyone drooling over more—from making the dough to packing them with the creamiest filling. So put on your aprons and let’s make your kitchen the most popular place in town for empanadas. All set to go? Relax and let’s learn How to make cheese empanadas!

What Are Cheese Empanadas?

Imagine taking a bite of heaven—crispy on the outside, oozing with cheesy goodness on the inside. That, my friends, is the essence of a cheese empanada. It’s not just a snack; it’s a culinary hug from Latin America to your taste buds. Think of empanadas as the cooler, globe-trotting cousin of your average pie. They come packed with various fillings, but today, cheese takes the center stage.

Whether it’s the gooey mozzarella, the tangy feta, or a bold cheddar, cheese empanadas are like a blank canvas for your cheese fantasies. Perfect for parties, a solo treat, or that midnight kitchen raid. So, why settle for ordinary when you can have extraordinary? Let’s get cheesy, folks!

How to make cheese empanadas
Credits to

The Building Blocks of Cheese Empanadas

Making cheese empanadas is like assembling a dream team where each player has a key role. First up, the dough—this is your foundation, folks. You can go homemade or store-bought, but it’s basically flour, water, a little fat (think butter or lard), and a pinch of salt.

Now, for the star of the show: the cheese. This can be anything from a creamy mozzarella to a sharp cheddar, or even a mix if you’re feeling wild.

How to make cheese empanadas
Credits to Pinterest

But wait, there’s more! To jazz things up, you can throw in some extras like onions, peppers, or spices into the cheese mix. It’s like throwing a party and deciding who’s cool enough to invite. Seal all that goodness inside the dough, fry or bake ’em till they’re golden and crispy, and bam! You’ve got yourself a batch of cheese empanadas that’ll make your taste buds do a happy dance. So, ready to get your hands dirty and your kitchen cheesy?

The Dough Lowdown for Cheese Empanadas

Alright, let’s zoom in on the unsung hero of our cheese empanada saga: the dough. This isn’t just any dough, my friends. It’s the crispy, flaky, golden vessel that carries our cheesy treasure to victory. You’ve got two main routes here: the classic wheat flour dough or the cornflour dough, each bringing its own flair to the empanada party.

Wheat flour dough is like that reliable friend who never lets you down—versatile, easy to handle, and perfect for getting that golden, flaky texture we all crave. A little water, butter (or lard if you’re going for the authentic vibe), and a pinch of salt, and you’re on your way to dough-town.

How to make cheese empanadas
Credits to The Novice Chef

Cornflour dough, on the other hand, is the gluten-free cousin that comes in with a tender, slightly sweet profile, giving your empanadas a unique twist and a nod to the traditional recipes from regions like Colombia.

Whichever dough you choose, the secret is in the rolling and folding—thin enough to crisp up beautifully, but sturdy enough to hold all that melty cheese goodness inside. So, whether you’re team wheat or team corn, get ready to roll out your masterpiece. Let’s dough this!

How to make cheese empanadas

These little pockets of joy are a fantastic treat. Making them is an enjoyable experience, and you’ll love how they turn out. Let’s walk through the process together.

Prep: 30 minutesServings: Makes about 12-15 empanadas
Cook: 25 minutes for baking, 6 minutes for fryingYield: 12-15 cheese empanadas
Total: 55 minutes for baking, 36 minutes for frying


  • Dough: Whether you’re going for the homemade route or the convenience of store-bought, grab some wheat flour or pre-made empanada discs. For the DIY crowd, you’ll need flour, water, butter (or lard), and a pinch of salt.
  • Cheese: This is where you can get creative. Mozzarella, cheddar, feta—pick one or mix ’em up. The cheesier, the better.
  • Extras (Optional): Feel like jazzing things up? Throw in some diced onions, jalapeños, or even a sprinkle of paprika or cumin into your cheese mix.


  • Rolling Pin
  • Bowl: For mixing your dough and cheese filling.
  • Forkealing that cheesy goodness inside.
  • Knife or Pastry Cutter
  • Baking Sheet or Frying Pan: Depending on whether you’re baking or frying your empanadas, you’ll need one of these.
  • Oven or Stove

For the Dough:

You can either make your own dough or buy pre-made empanada discs. If you’re making the dough from scratch, you’ll need ingredients like flour, butter, egg, and water. The key is to create a dough that’s pliable but not too sticky.

1. Prepare the Dough

  • Homemade Dough: Mix your flour, water, butter (or lard), and a pinch of salt in a bowl until it forms a smooth dough. Knead it on a floured surface until it’s nice and elastic. Let it rest for about 30 minutes, then roll it out thin.
  • Store-bought Dough: If you’re taking the express route, just open up those packages of pre-made empanada discs and let them come to room temperature.
Perfect Dough for Chicken Empanadas
Credits to noby leong

2. Whip Up the Cheese Filling

  • In a bowl, mix your chosen cheese (or cheeses) with any additional fillings (like diced onions or spices) until everything is nicely combined.

3. Assemble the Empanadas

  • Cut your rolled-out dough into circles using a knife or a pastry cutter. If you’re using pre-made discs, they’re ready to go.
  • Spoon a generous amount of the cheese filling into the center of each dough circle.
  • Fold the dough over the filling to create a half-moon shape. Press the edges together firmly, then use a fork to crimp the edges and seal the deal.
Cheese Filling into  empanadas Dough
Credits to The Spruce Eats

4. Cook ‘Em Up

  • For Baking: Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C). Place the empanadas on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Brush the tops with a beaten egg for that golden glow, and bake for about 20-25 minutes, or until they’re golden and crispy.
  • For Frying: Heat oil in a deep frying pan over medium heat. Fry the empanadas in batches, turning once, until they’re golden brown and crispy, about 2-3 minutes per side. Drain on paper towels to remove excess oil.
Fry empanadas each side until golden brown
Credits to Allrecipes

5. Enjoy!

  • Let them cool down for a hot minute (because we know that cheese is lava), and then dive in! Serve them up as a snack, a party appetizer, or a meal with a side of salsa or guacamole.
Enjoy cheesy empanadas with guacamole
Credits to Colorful Foodie

Are Cheese Empanadas Healthy?

Cheese empanadas, like any other cuisine, can be evaluated for healthfulness depending on its components and preparation. Let us break it down:

Nutrition Profile:

  1. Calories: Empanadas, being pastry-based, are relatively high in calories. The cheese filling adds more calories, especially if it’s a high-fat cheese.
  2. Carbohydrates: The dough is primarily made of flour, a source of carbohydrates.
  3. Fats: The butter in the dough and the fat in the cheese contribute to the fat content. This includes both saturated and unsaturated fats.
  4. Protein: Cheese provides a decent amount of protein.

Considerations for Health:

  1. Portion Size: Eating them in moderation is key. They can be a part of a balanced diet if consumed responsibly.
  2. Ingredients Choice: Opting for whole grain flour can increase fiber content. Using low-fat cheese can reduce calorie and fat intake.
  3. Cooking Method: Baking is healthier than frying. Baking reduces the amount of oil and fat, making them less calorific.

Who Should Be Cautious:

  • People with dietary restrictions: like those needing gluten-free or low-calorie diets.
  • Individuals with lactose intolerance: due to the cheese.
  • People monitoring their cholesterol and heart health: should be cautious about the saturated fat content.

Making Them Healthier:

  1. Use whole wheat flour for added fiber.
  2. Incorporate veggies in the cheese filling for added nutrients.
  3. Choose low-fat cheese to reduce saturated fat content.
  4. Serve with a healthy side, like a salad, to make a more balanced meal.

In the end, cheese empanadas are a healthy food choice that may be included in a balanced diet. The secret is to exercise moderation and make informed decisions about the ingredients and cooking techniques. Although they’re a tasty treat, it’s best to consume them in moderation as with all good things.

Wrapping Up

And there you have it, the lowdown on crafting the perfect cheese empanadas. These little pockets are more than just food; they’re a voyage into the heart of culinary artistry, blending simplicity with sheer deliciousness. What makes cheese empanadas truly special is their versatility. From the choice of cheese to the method of cooking, they’re a canvas waiting for your personal touch. Whether you’re throwing a party, looking for a comforting snack, or simply exploring new recipes, cheese empanadas stand ready to impress.

So, why not give them a whirl? Dive into the process, experiment with fillings, and discover the joy of sharing them with friends and family. Remember, cooking is not just about feeding the body but also about feeding the soul. Embrace the adventure, and let the humble cheese empanada be your guide to culinary exploration. Who knows? You might just find your new favorite treat.


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