Hey there! Have you ever taken a bite of something and felt like you’ve been teleported straight to a festive street in Argentina? No? Well, let me introduce you to the magic of Empanadas Tucumanas. These aren’t just any empanadas; they’re a culinary adventure wrapped in dough. Imagine the juiciest, most flavorful filling, seasoned to perfection, beckoning you to take just one more bite.

I’m here to guide you through this taste journey, making it feel like we’re two pals chatting over a plate of these heavenly pockets.

Ready to dive in and explore why Empanadas Tucumanas are the talk of the town? Let’s get this flavor party started and, who knows, maybe even inspire you to whip up your batch by the end of this chat!

Credits to ABC

What is an Empanadas Tucumanas

Alright, picture this: you’re wandering through the vibrant streets of Tucumán, Argentina, and the aroma of something absolutely divine wafts through the air. That, my friend, is the scent of Empanadas Tucumanas. These are not your run-of-the-mill empanadas; oh no, they’re like the superheroes of the empanada world. Wrapped in a dough that’s both tender and slightly crispy, each one is a treasure chest of flavors waiting to be discovered.

Credits to Bon Viveur

Inside, you’ll find a mix of juicy, spiced beef, a perfect blend of onions, green onions, and sometimes boiled egg and olives, all marinated in a secret mix of spices that’s been passed down through generations. It’s a bite of tradition, a taste of Argentine passion, and let me tell you, it’s an experience for your taste buds. So, when someone asks, “What’s an Empanada Tucumana?” You’ll say, “It’s not just food; it’s a piece of Argentine soul wrapped in dough.”

Alright, picture this: you’re wandering through the vibrant streets of Tucumán, Argentina, and the aroma of something absolutely divine wafts through the air. That, my friend, is the scent of Empanadas Tucumanas. These are not your run-of-the-mill empanadas; oh no, they’re like the superheroes of the empanada world. Wrapped in a dough that’s both tender and slightly crispy, each one is a treasure chest of flavors waiting to be discovered.

Inside, you’ll find a mix of juicy, spiced beef, a perfect blend of onions, green onions, and sometimes boiled egg and olives, all marinated in a secret mix of spices that’s been passed down through generations. It’s a bite of tradition, a taste of Argentine passion, and let me tell you, it’s an experience for your taste buds.

What are the Main Ingredients of Empanadas Tucumanas

Okay, let’s break into the secret vault of flavors that makes Empanadas Tucumanas the showstoppers they are. Imagine we’re in a kitchen, right? You, me, and all these ingredients laid out on the counter, ready to party. Here’s the guest list:

The Dough

This isn’t just any dough; it’s the perfect canvas, soft yet sturdy enough to hold all the goodness inside without falling apart at the first bite.

The Dough Empanadas Tucumanas
Credits to Yummy.ph


The star of the show, ground beef is seasoned and cooked to juicy perfection, bringing the rich flavors that define these empanadas.

ground beef
Credits to Shelf Cooking

Onions and Green Onions

These guys bring the crunch and sweetness, adding layers of flavor that make the filling complex and irresistible.

Onions and Green Onions
Credits to HGTV

Paprika and Cumin

The dynamic duo of spices that give the meat that signature taste, warming and deep, with a hint of smokiness and earthiness.

Paprika and Cumin
Credits to Arômes & Co

Boiled Eggs

Chopped up and thrown into the mix, they add a richness and texture that’s like finding treasure in a bite.


These salty bits of joy are optional but highly recommended. They’re like little flavor bombs that surprise and delight.

Credits to Fifteen Spatulas

Mix all these together, and you’ve got yourself the heart and soul of Empanadas Tucumanas. It’s like a fiesta of flavors in every bite, and now you’re practically an honorary guest.

How to Make Empanadas Tucumanas

Prep 30 minutes
Cook 25 minutes
Brew and Strain Not applicable for this recipe.
Total55 minutes
ServingsMakes around 12-15 empanadas, depending on size.
Yield12-15 Empanadas Tucumanas

Before we roll up our sleeves and dive into the art of making Empanadas Tucumanas, let’s chat about what you’ll need. Imagine we’re gearing up for a culinary adventure, and these are our essentials:


  • Dough: The foundation of any good empanada, homemade or store-bought, just make sure it’s the right kind for baking or frying, depending on how you want to finish these beauties.
  • Ground Beef: The main act, ready to be seasoned and transformed into the flavorful filling that defines Empanadas Tucumanas.
  • Onions & Green Onions: For that sweet and sharp flavor kick that balances the beef perfectly.
  • Spices: Paprika and cumin are non-negotiable here. They’re what give the filling its distinctive, mouthwatering taste.
  • Boiled Eggs: Hard-boiled and chopped, ready to add a layer of richness to the mix.
  • Olives: Green, black, whatever floats your boat, just make sure they’re pitted and ready to party.


  • Skillet: For cooking up that beef and onion mixture to perfection.
  • Mixing Bowl: Where all the filling ingredients will get to know each other a bit better.
  • Rolling Pin: If you’re going DIY with your dough, this will be your best friend.
  • Baking Sheet or Deep Fryer: Depending on whether you’re team baked or team fried, you’ll need one of these.
  • Pastry Brush: If you’re baking, a little egg wash will make your empanadas shine like the culinary gems they are.

With these ingredients and tools at the ready, you’re all set to start the empanada-making magic. Let’s turn these components into the most delightful Empanadas Tucumanas you’ve ever tasted!

Step by Step Instructions

Alright, let’s jump into the fun part—making these delicious pockets of joy. I’ll guide you through it step by step, so it’ll be like I’m right there in the kitchen with you. Ready? Let’s go!

Empanadas Tucumanas
Credits to Paulina Cocina
  • Prepare the Filling:
    • Heat a bit of oil in a skillet over medium heat. Toss in your chopped onions and green onions, sautéing them until they’re soft and golden. This is where the magic starts.
    • Add the ground beef to the skillet, breaking it apart with a spoon. Cook until it’s nicely browned—this is your canvas for all those spices.
    • Sprinkle in your paprika and cumin, and give it a good mix. Let the spices get to know the beef and onions. It’s a flavor party.
    • Once cooked, transfer the mixture to a bowl. Let it cool down a bit before you add the chopped boiled eggs and olives. Mix it all together, and your filling is ready to go.
  • Prep the Dough:
    • If you’re rolling out your own dough, now’s the time to get it to the right thickness—about 1/8 inch is perfect. Use a round cutter (a bowl works great) to cut out circles. If you’re using store-bought, get those disks ready for action.
  • Assemble the Empanadas:
    • Spoon a generous amount of the filling into the center of each dough circle. Don’t get too crazy, or they’ll burst open when cooking, and we don’t want that.
    • Fold the dough over the filling to make a half-moon shape. Press the edges together firmly, and use a fork to crimp them and seal the deal.
  • Cook ‘Em Up:
    • For Baking: Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C). Place the empanadas on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Brush them lightly with an egg wash (beaten egg with a bit of water) for that golden glow. Bake for about 20-25 minutes or until they’re golden and gorgeous.
    • For Frying: Heat oil in a deep fryer or large skillet to 350°F (175°C). Fry the empanadas in batches, turning once, until they’re golden brown and crispy, about 3-4 minutes. Let them drain on paper towels to keep them from getting soggy.
  • Enjoy!
    • Let them cool down a bit before diving in. These Empanadas Tucumanas are best served with a side of chimichurri sauce or a simple salsa for dipping.

There you have it, the step-by-step guide to making Empanadas Tucumanas that’ll wow your taste buds and maybe even transport you straight to the heart of Argentina. Enjoy the process, enjoy the flavors, and most of all, enjoy the eating!

Wrapping Up

And there we have it, folks—the journey through the making of Empanadas Tucumanas has come to a delicious end. These aren’t just any snack; they’re a testament to the richness of Argentine culture, packed into a pocket of dough. What makes them truly stand out is their unique blend of flavors and the love that goes into preparing each one. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a curious newbie in the kitchen, these empanadas offer a versatile canvas to express your culinary creativity.

I hope this guide not only makes you hungry for empanadas but also inspires you to roll up your sleeves and give this recipe a try. It’s more than just cooking; it’s about bringing a piece of Argentina into your home, one empanada at a time. So, go ahead, dazzle your friends and family with these delightful treats, and let the flavors of Tucumán shine through your kitchen. ¡Buen provecho!

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